Devised by the University of Bradford for
Royal College of Organists
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Follow-up resources and information for teachers,
parents and organ-visit
photo by John Chapman
"Dan and the Magic Musician" can be enjoyed
at home
by pre-schools at playgroup or nursery
for primary/infants/junior school music lessons (KS1 and KS2)
before visits to pipe organs
for organists' associations children's events
at children's parties
You can find resources on and through this site to help back up all these activities (e.g. worksheets, colouring pages, Young Person's Introduction to Pipe Organ, etc.). The teaching materials on this site can be customised as appropriate for your particular circumstances.
Have fun!
Resources available from this Dan Magic site:
Viewing "Dan and the Magic Musician"
You can view the animation directly on-line by clicking on the large picture at the top of the page "View Dan" , or you can download copies from the links on that page. The 80MB download should give a resolution good enough to support full-screen viewing. The 40MB download will support small screen viewing.
If you have a Mac, you cannot view the animation directly at present (new format coming soon), but you can download a free version of RealPlayer which will allow you to download and view the animation from the download links on the "View Dan" page.
If you need a ready-made high-quality DVD copy, see here
If you need posters and leaflets to advertise a showing of "Dan and the Magic Musician", you can print these from here, or small DanMagic flyers here
Follow up presentation for use after viewing "Dan and the Magic Musician"
This “script” accompanies a PowerPoint presentation DanTeacher.ppt. The notes are outline facts for each slide in the presentation, for you to use as a basis for your follow-up session; you can point out the features in each slide. For some of the questions, when you have asked for responses, you can also display some images for example responses on the slide.
The script is in Word format; you can add to it, and to the PowerPoint presentation, yourself and tailor them for your own use.
If a PowerPoint presentation format is not appropriate for your circumstances, you can print out the slides, to use with this script.
follow-up script please be patient while this file opens
follow-up PowerPoint please be patient while this file opens
Three colouring sheets from "Dan and the Magic Musician"
These A4 size colouring sheets show scenes from Dan and the Magic Musician
colouring pictures 1 2 3 please be patient while these files open
"Fill it in" letter from Dan to the Magic Musician
This letter picks up on some of the organ terms used in the animation. The letter is in Word format, and you can alter the text to suit your purposes.
"fill it in" letter please be patient while this file opens
Draft worksheet for use on visits
This draft worksheet includes questions to be answered by observation of the instrument visited, as well as some general illustrations and organ-related questions. It is in Word format, and you can alter the text to suit your purposes as required. (Make sure you show your worksheet to the organist(s) at the instrument you are visiting before the visit, so that they can advise about any specific points and have suitable answers and appropriate examples prepared beforehand).
draft worksheet please be patient while this file opens
(If you are planning a large-screen public showing of "Dan and the Magic Musician" you can order a ready-made high-quality DVD copy if required - see here)
Resources available from other links:
How pipe organs work :
Stories with sound effects on the organ
To introduce the different sounds the instrument can make. Narrator's scripts and organist's musical directions etc.
(If you want to make this part of your visit - consult the organist beforehand!)
PipeWorks and Pipe Organ Encounters - descriptions and material from pipe organ education and outreach programmes run by the American Guild of Organists
Other useful contacts:
To arrange visiting an organ near you in the UK,
ask your local organists' association (via the Incorporated Association of Organists' site)
To find an organ teacher near you in the UK, contact
your local organists' association (via the Incorporated Association of Organists' site)
or the Royal College of Organists
Find out about pipe organ education events regionally and nationally in the UK
Find out about organ concerts near you in the UK
consult these links Concerts 1 Concerts 2 Concerts 3 Concerts 4 Concerts 5
ask your local organists' association
look in the magazine "Organists Review"
Organists' associations across the world
To contact organists' associations across the world about organs to visit, organ education events and organ concerts in your country, use this link