Devised by the University of Bradford for
Royal College of Organists
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You can view "Dan and the Magic Musician" here, or download a file which you can save on DVD, or get a ready-made DVD
JUST CLICK ON ► above to view "Dan and the Magic Musician"
If you want to download a copy to view offline, you can choose below either a high quality copy or a lower quality copy
To download 80MB copy of "Dan & the Magic Musician" Click on above picture, select "save target as", save as filename "largedownloadDan", of type"Windows Media Audio/Video File". You can then copy the .wmv file so dvd This version should allow a full-screen version of the animation |
To downlad 40MB (lower resolution) copy of "Dan & the Magic Musician" Click on above picture, select "save target as", save as filename "smalldownloadDan", of type"Windows Media Audio/Video File". You can then copy the .wmv file so dvd This version should allow a small-screen version of the animation |
Please be patient : these are both large files and will take some time to download
YOU CAN HELP to introduce more children to the pipe organ! As well as making copies of "Dan" to give as gifts, you can arrange a showing of the animation at a pipe organ venue, and tell the music teachers at you local infants/primary/junior school about "Dan and the Magic Musician" and the educational resources on this site, so that they can include a lesson about pipe organs in their teaching - you can print out a Teachers' Flyer here to deliver to the school. If you need a hard copy and can't to make your own from a download, or if you plan a large-screen public showing of "Dan & the Magic Musician" and need a DVD-quality copy, please click here to order a ready-made Dan DVD |
Need customisable posters and leaflets to advertise a screening of "Dan and the Magic Musician"? You can print these from here
For small flyers advertising Dan Magic at musical events or through your local library, click here
You can find out more about how "Dan" was made by viewing the short film "Creating Dan : the making of Dan and the Magic Musician"
Rights are reserved on all images from "DAN AND THE MAGIC MUSICIAN"